Tina Jøhnk Christensen is an experienced photographer and has primarily worked as a photojournalist around the world. Her photography includes a wide range of images from celebrity portraits to landscape photography.

Media :

Photos have appeared in Danish media :
Børsen (cover for Børsen magazine), ALT for damerne, Ekstra Bladet, Jyllandsposten,Tjeck, Euroman, Femina, Ugebladet Søndag, Urban Film, Berlingske Tidende, Samvirke, Fyens Stifstidende, Nyt fra Danmark, Magasinet Sceneliv, Undervisere, Erhvervsskolen.

Other :

The Danish Embassy’s official photographer for the meeting between President George W. Bush and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the White House, May 2005.